The Journal of Orthopedics Research and Rehabilitation welcomes scholarly papers inorthopaedic surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation, neurosurgery, neurology and clinic anesthesiology and reanimation.

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Case Report
Abnormal lesion that can be confused with medial meniscal tears, medial meniscocapsular band: a rare presentation
This case report describes a medial meniscocapsular band, a structure extending from the medial capsule of the knee joint to the corpus of the medial meniscus, observed during arthroscopy in a 48-year-old woman. Preoperative physical examination findings were compatible with medial meniscal pathology only; magnetic resonance imaging showed an abnormal medial meniscus and was interpreted in favor of a tear. Arthroscopic examination showed an abnormal band inside the knee. This anatomical lesion is quite rare and similar lesions have been reported in the literature, but the extension of the band in our case is different from the extension in the cases seen in the literature. We believe that the identification of abnormal meniscal types or intra-articular bands is necessary to provide greater accuracy in MR imaging reporting.

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Volume 2, Issue 1, 2024
Page : 19-21