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Exploring the relationship between scapular dyskinesia and the injury risk among overhead athletes
Aims: The present study attempted to investigate the relationship between scapular dyskinesia (SD) and injury risk in overhead athletes and to compare the injury risks between athletes with SD and those without.
Methods: We recruited a total of 96 athletes for this study on a voluntary basis, including 18 basketball players, 64 volleyball players, and 14 handball players. Initially, we noted down their demographic and physical characteristics. Then, we assessed their SD using the Scapular Assistance Test (SAT), the Scapular Retraction Test (SRT), and the Lateral Scapular Slide Test (LSST). Moreover, we assessed their injury risks using the Functional Movement Screen (FMS).
Results: Our findings revealed SD in 29 (30.2%) overhead athletes. Moreover, 26 of these 29 athletes showed poor FMS performance with a score below 14 points, the critical threshold in the FMS. On the other hand, 63 athletes without SD demonstrated good FMS performance with a score of 14 points or more. Accordingly, we concluded a significant relationship between SD and FMS total score among our participants (p< 0.05).
Conclusion: Overall, we concluded that overhead athletes with SD may have significantly higher injury risk than their counterparts without SD.

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Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023
Page : 1-4