The Journal of Orthopedics Research and Rehabilitation welcomes scholarly papers inorthopaedic surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation, neurosurgery, neurology and clinic anesthesiology and reanimation. This journal is indexed by indices that are considered international scientific journal indices (DRJI, ESJI, OAJI, etc.). According to the current Associate Professorship criteria, it is within the scope of International Article 1-d. Each article published in this journal corresponds to 5 points.

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Original Article
Analysis of publications on surgical gloves
Aims: This bibliometric analysis aimed to examine the trends and characteristics of publications related to surgical gloves. The study analyzed articles retrieved from the Elsevier Scopus database, focusing on topics such as the history of glove usage, the importance of sterility, glove punctures, and advancements in glove designs.
Methods: The data in this study were obtained by searching the Elsevier Scopus database. The search was selected from records containing the keywords in the title “surgical gloves” and a single day was chosen for the sake of being unbiased. In this study, only the articles were analyzed and the online library and digital resources of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University were used. Scopus' visuals were used for visualization after data analysis.
Results: A total of 568 publications were included in the analysis, consisting of articles, letters, reviews, and other study documents. The majority of articles were written in English, and the top three countries in terms of publication output were the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany. Medical journals accounted for the largest share of publications, followed by nursing journals. Notably, there was a rising trend in the number of studies on glove punctures and advancements in glove designs. Richard F. Edlich from the University of Virginia School of Medicine emerged as the most productive author, and the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) Journal was the most prolific journal in this field.
Conclusion: Today, studies on surgical gloves; focuses on latex glove allergy and surgical site infections. These studies; It is important for the prevention of infection during surgery in the future and the prevention of infectious diseases in healthcare workers.

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Volume 1, Issue 3, 2023
Page : 63-66