The Journal of Orthopedics Research and Rehabilitation welcomes scholarly papers inorthopaedic surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation, neurosurgery, neurology and clinic anesthesiology and reanimation.

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Case Report
Grade 2 chondrosarcoma of the middle phalanx of the third digit: a rare presentation
Chondrosarcoma is the most frequently seen primary malignant tumour of the hand. It is seen most often in the proximal phalanges and metacarpals, and middle phalanx involvement is rarely seen. An 80-year-old female presented at our clinic with the complaints of pain and a massive mass in the middle phalanx. On the direct radiograph, there was seen to be an expansile, permeative mass, creating a destructive, periosteal reaction with total involvement of the middle phalanx. Amputation was performed at the level of the proximal phalanx. Curettage and grafting were not considered in this case as the lesion was causing destruction and expansion in the middle phalanx. This is one of the few cases in literature of a grade 2 (intermediate) chondrosarcoma in the middle phalanx. In this case presentation, the diagnosis and treatment of middle phalanx chondrosarcoma was explained in the light of current literature.

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Volume 1, Issue 3, 2023
Page : 71-74