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The correlation between functional movement screen and core stabilization and y balance test in handball players
Aims: The main aim of the study is to put forward correlation between functional movement screen, core endurance and Y balance test assessments in handball players.
Methods: It is included to our study in between 18-22 years old 30 licensed handball player and 30 sedentary young individuals from the same age group. Kasari Physical Activity Form was used containing frequency, intensity, time information in order to determine physical activity level of the sedentary group. In all participants, the Illinois Agility Test was used for agility evaluation and the Vertical Jump Test was used for jumping force measurement and flexor endurance, extensor endurance and lateral bridge tests were used for core stabilization evaluation. Dynamic balance was evaluated Y balance test. Functional movement patterns were evaluated by functional movement screen consisting of 7 subcomponents.
Results: As a result of the evaluations, In the individuals of athlete group, it is identified positive directional correlation between Functional Movement Screen composite score and flexor stability results (r=0.653 p<0.001) between, Functional Movement Screen composite score and Lateral bridge Dominant scores (r=0.542 p<0.01) between, FMS composite score and lateral bridge non-dominant scores (r=0.374 p<0.05) between, Functional Movement Screen composite score and Extensor endurance scores but when the relationship between Y balance test and Functional Movement Screen was analyzed; no statistically significant relationship was found (p>0.05).
Conclusion: While functional movement screen assessments and core stabilization are closely related to each other, these assessments were not found to be associated with Y balance test. Functional movement screen reflects core stabilization but fails to assess dynamic balance.

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Volume 1, Issue 3, 2023
Page : 52-57