The Journal of Orthopedics Research and Rehabilitation welcomes scholarly papers inorthopaedic surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation, neurosurgery, neurology and clinic anesthesiology and reanimation. This journal is indexed by indices that are considered international scientific journal indices (DRJI, ESJI, OAJI, etc.). According to the current Associate Professorship criteria, it is within the scope of International Article 1-d. Each article published in this journal corresponds to 5 points.

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Original Article
Evaluation of the diagnostic efficacy of computed tomography imaging in trauma patients
Aims: The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of computed tomography imaging tests ordered for trauma patients in the emergency medicine service and to identify pathologies in the imaging.
Methods: A retrospective evaluation was conducted on trauma patients who applied to our hospital's Emergency Medicine Department between 01 January 2023 and 01 October 2023 and underwent diagnostic computed tomography imaging (CT).
Results: A total of 4193 CT scans were analysed in 3641 patients. Falls were the most common etiological cause (n=3451, 82.3%). Pathology was detected in 25.87% of CT orders. The most frequently used CT type was cranial CT (n=1687, 40.22%). The highest rate of pathology was found in scapula CT (75%), while the lowest rate was observed in cervical spine CT (13%). The most common pathology was detected in cranial CT (n=457). The highest rate of pathology was found in scapula CT (75%), while the lowest rate was observed in cervical spine CT (13%).
Conclusion: The accessibility of relevant specialists to emergency physicians reduces the number of unnecessary CT imaging orders. In the emergency department, physicians should adhere to internationally accepted guidelines when ordering advanced imaging studies.

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Volume 2, Issue 2, 2024
Page : 27-31