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Bibliometric analysis of articles on meniscal transplantation
Aims: The aim of this study is to contribute to the literature by performing a bibliometric analysis of the articles written about meniscal transplantation worldwide.
Methods: Studies indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded and Emerging Sources Citation Index of the Web of Science database from 1986 to 2024 have been examined. The analysis included the number of articles by year, country, publisher, citation count, and journal of publication.
Results: A total of 577 articles indexed as SCI-E and ESCI were identified in the WoS database. These articles were contributed from a diverse range of countries, with the number of articles increasing over time.
Conclusion: Meniscus transplantation is a topic that has become popular over time. It is reasonable to posit that this trend will continue in the near future.

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3. Frank RM, Cole BJ. Meniscus transplantation. Curr Rev MusculoskeletMed. 2015;8(4):443-450. doi:10.1007/s12178-015-9309-4
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Volume 2, Issue 3, 2024
Page : 55-58