The Journal of Orthopedics Research and Rehabilitation welcomes scholarly papers inorthopaedic surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation, neurosurgery, neurology and clinic anesthesiology and reanimation.

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Traumatic spinal cord injuries due to falls from trees in a tertiary rehabilitation center: a retrospective analysis of causes and outcomes
Aims: Falls from heights are a major cause of spinal cord injury. In developing countries such as Turkey, where fruit picking from trees is an important part of the agricultural economy, falls from trees are common. This study aims to comprehensively analyze the causes and consequences of spinal cord injuries due to falls from trees.
Methods: This retrospective study reviewed cases of spinal cord injury resulting from falls from trees, treated at a tertiary rehabilitation center between March 2020 and November 2023. Data encompassed demographics (age, gender, occupation, education), spinal injury specifics (level, severity), additional injuries, tree fall details (type of tree, height of fall, cause of fall, safety precautions), and treatment details (surgery need, hospital stay duration). The patients who fell from trees were divided into two groups: those who fell from walnut trees and those who fell from other trees, and statistical analyses were performed accordingly.
Results: Among the 49 patients falling from trees, the mean age was 52.3 ± 13.4 years, with 73.5% being male, 32 patients (%65.3) had graduated from primary or secondary school. No safety precautions were taken by any participants. Paraplegia (%87.8) and complete spinal cord injuries (57.1%) were common. Additional injuries occurred in %61.2 of cases. In terms of fall causes, the most common was branch breakage (%57.1), while walnut trees accounted for %44.9 of falls. There was a significant difference in education levels between the group that fell from walnut trees and the group that fell from other trees (p:0.028). Falls from walnut trees resulted in higher fall heights, complete injury rates, and longer hospital stays (p:0.003, p:0.047, p: 0.010).
Conclusion: This study found that spinal cord injuries from falls often lead to additional injuries, with none of the patients taking safety precautions. This study found that walnut trees were the most common cause of spinal cord injury from falling trees. This study highlights the need for improved safety precautions and educational interventions.

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Volume 2, Issue 4, 2024
Page : 69-74