The Journal of Orthopedics Research and Rehabilitation welcomes scholarly papers inorthopaedic surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation, neurosurgery, neurology and clinic anesthesiology and reanimation.

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Letter to the Editor
Treatment and management approaches in sternoclavicular joint dislocation
Sternoclavicular joint (SCJ) dislocations, while rare, pose significant risks due to the joint’s proximity to critical thoracic structures. This letter discusses the treatment and management approaches for SCJ dislocations, particularly focusing on the higher risk of complications with posterior dislocations, which may lead to neurovascular or mediastinal injuries. Surgical intervention is often required, and multidisciplinary collaboration is crucial in such cases. The importance of accurate diagnosis through imaging, such as CT scans, and the benefits of graft-based reconstructions for joint stabilization are emphasized to improve patient outcomes.

1. Morell DJ, Thyagarajan DS. Sternoclavicular joint dislocation and its management: A review of the literature. <em>World J Orthop.</em> 2016;7(4):244-250.
2. Chen X, Shafer D, Neeki AS, Dong F, Matiko J, Neeki MM. Emergent management of traumatic posterior sternoclavicular joint dislocation: a case report and literature review. <em>Cureus.</em> 2021;13(10):e18996.
3. Oladeji LO, Vivace B, Kelly S, Wiesemann S, DeFroda SF. The floating clavicle: surgical technique for management of an ipsilateral acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joint dislocation. <em>Arthrosc Tech.</em> 2023;12(5):e697-e702.
4. Robinson CM, Jenkins PJ, Markham PE, Beggs I. Disorders of the sternoclavicular joint. <em>J Bone Joint Surg Br.</em> 2008;90(6):685-696.
5. Garcia JA, Arguello AM, Momaya AM, Ponce BA. Sternoclavicular joint instability: symptoms, diagnosis and management. <em>Orthop Res Rev.</em> 2020;12:75-87.
6. Ingoe HMA, Mohammed K, Malone AA, et al. Traumatic posterior sternoclavicular joint dislocation - current aspects of management. <em>Injury.</em> 2023;54(11):110983.
7. Deftereos S, Drosos G. Posterior sternoclavicular joint dislocation, a rare but &ldquo;dangerous&rdquo; injury. <em>Pan Afr Med J.</em> 2021;39:81.
8. Cismasiu B, Rodrigues S, Oliveira G, Rodrigues C. Potential vascular damage by posterior dislocation of sternoclavicular joint. <em>Port J Card Thorac Vasc Surg.</em> 2022;29(2):87.
Volume 2, Issue 4, 2024
Page : 82-83