The Journal of Orthopedics Research and Rehabilitation welcomes scholarly papers inorthopaedic surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation, neurosurgery, neurology and clinic anesthesiology and reanimation.

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Which arthroplasty option is superior in hip off-set reconstruction?
Aims: Femoroacetabular offset(Hip Off-set) plays a very important role in hip joint stability.In this study, it was aimed to determine whether the three different surgical procedures used in THA applications have any superiority over each other in terms of femoroacetabular offset restoration.
Methods: This study included 220 patients of 249 hips who underwent THA procedures performed by the senior author.These patients were divided into three groups. Group1 operated with conventional femoral stems, Group2 operated with short femoral stem and Group3 operated with metal-on-metal hip resurfacing. Femoral off-set, acetabular off-set and hip off-set were measured individually by using pre-operative x-ray and immadiate post-operative x-ray of all patients.
Results: There were 70 hips in Group1 , 84 hips in Group2 and 95 hips in Group3. The measurement results of the short-stem THA group were significantly higher than those of the other groups.Groups pre-operative/post-operative femoral offset ; for Group 1 32,7±7,5/37,7±8,5mm , for Group 2 35,7±9,7/37,0±8,4mm and for Group 3 36,8±8,9/41,8±8,4mm . Groups pre-operative/post-operative total offset ; for Group 1 123,8±9,5/120,7±10,5mm ,for Group2 127,3±17,1/122,9±16,6mm and for Group3 130,3±14,3/129,7±10,3mm . When the differences between groups in the changes in the pre-op and post-op offset values were examined,it was found that there were only differences between the femoral measurement results and that the increase of the offset values in Group 2 was statistically significantly smaller than that of the other groups.
Conclusion: Short femoral stem THA or hip resurfacing arthroplasty is a better option for femoral offset reconstruction.

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Volume 3, Issue 1, 2025
Page : 14-19