The Journal of Orthopedics Research and Rehabilitation welcomes scholarly papers inorthopaedic surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation, neurosurgery, neurology and clinic anesthesiology and reanimation. This journal is indexed by indices that are considered international scientific journal indices (DRJI, ESJI, OAJI, etc.). According to the current Associate Professorship criteria, it is within the scope of International Article 1-d. Each article published in this journal corresponds to 5 points.

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Cover and Contents

Full Issue

Original Article - Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

: 862 : 324

Citation : Barış RH, Atalay Güzel N, Kafa N, Gürühan S, Akçam MO. Evaluation of cranio-cervical muscle activity in adolescents with different malocclusions: a pilot surface EMG study. J Orthop Res Rehabil. 2024;2(2):22-26.

Original Article - Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology

Evaluation of the diagnostic efficacy of computed tomography imaging in trauma patients

: 810 : 271

Citation : Soy F, Pehlivan O, Çakır AD, Özsan SO. Evaluation of the diagnostic efficacy of computed tomography imaging in trauma patients. J Orthop Res Rehabil. 2024;2(2):27-31.

Original Article - Musculoskeletal Disorders

: 1213 : 264

Citation : Çelik ÖF, Duyur Çakıt B, Çakıt MO, Genç H. Effects of myofascial trigger point injection on the disease activity in patients with comorbidity of fibromyalgia and cervical myofascial pain syndrome. J Orthop Res Rehabil. 2024;2(2):32-37.

Original Article - Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

: 896 : 266

Citation : Doğan FE, Korkmaz N, Kara İ, Atalay Gu¨zel N. Has the COVID-19 pandemic affected injury in football? example of a professional football team. J Orthop Res Rehabil. 2024;2(2):38-41.

Case Report - Musculoskeletal Disorders

A rare case with atypical findings: schwannoma of the radial nerve

: 1063 : 290

Citation : Eker Bu¨yu¨kşireci D, Bu¨yu¨kşireci M, Ertekin E. A rare case with atypical findings: schwannoma of the radial nerve. J Orthop Res Rehabil. 2024;2(2):42-44.